Programming has become so much popular these days that even younger generations has adapted to it and now this girl Anvita Prashant Telang from Pune, India has set a record by winning “Doodle for Google” 2016 contest and proved the whole world that even young kids can do programming like professionals does. With the growth of technology, programming is growing as well and it is on the tip of everyone’s tongue.
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There have been many events where young hackers are competing with other professionals programmers and winning various events regarding hacking smartphones and stuff like finding bugs in social networking websites.
From recent news, a young girl has set the record for being the youngest developer to attend Apple’s WWDC 2016. And from speculations, this girl is better than most of the professionals at coding.
This year an event took place by the Apple CEO Tim Cook known as the prestigious WWDC event and Anvitha Vijay from Australia is one of the recipients of 350 scholarships handed over by the Apple CEO Tim Cook at this event. She is just 9 years old and she is the youngest iOS developer at Apple. The shocking fact is that Anvitha is doing what even professionals find difficult and Anvitha codes better than most of the adults.
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Smartkins Animals is the first app created by her and the reason she created that app is to help her sister identify animals quickly. What this app does is teach young kids to identify animals within a very short period of time before the interview her app was downloaded few hundreds of time already.
Recently she was selected as the youngest developer at Apple and when she was asked how she feels she said “It was like a dream to be here and meet so many people,” Anvitha said. “I’ve just touched the tip of the iceberg in coding, there’s so much to learn” and when asked about Tim Cook she said “he’s really good,” and “really nice.”
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Anvitha Vijay’s Business card displays the message “I want to make a difference in people’s lives through technology” and she is sure to have a very bright future.