About Us
Hi There, Welcome To The Gadgetsay!Gadgetsay is all about the latest and viral with interesting valuable content, the content which related to smartphones, gadgets and other tech news from China.
Chinese electronic products, especially mobile phones, have been loved by consumers around the world, we believe that more electronic products from China will be recognized by global consumers. In 2018, Chinese market smartphones, desktop computers (PC), Color TV shipments account for 27.8%, 20%, and 20% of the world respectively, with the advent of 5G, smart appliances, 5G mobile phones and other terminal products will set off a new wave. Gadgetsay.com is right the site to introduce our readers the latest, fresh and most valuable news, reviews about Chinese electronics, gadgets and smartphones.
Gadgetsay is a team-work, our team members Work Hard On Gadgetsay, each member has 100% devotion on this site, they love what they are doing!
Our team:
Editor-in-Chief: Simranpal Singh
Editor:Paul Shangwe
Editor:Sukhraj Singh
Editor:Kuljit Sandhu
Editor:Argam Artashyan
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