Apple iPhone Required Less RAM: Whenever we compare iOS with Android lots of stuff pops in our mind and the one with the RAM will always be there. Yesterday, I was discussing the same thing with my colleague that’s when he threw this iOS RAM thing at me. Of course, I was backing Android because of its customization. That’s when I decided to create this article. Check out below android vs ios memory management.
If you look at this year flagship Android devices, all of them comes with 4GB, 6GB or even 8GB of RAM. On the other hand, iPhone 7 Plus comes with just 3GB of RAM and Apple has never gone far more than this.
Why Apple iPhone Required Less RAM But Android Having More RAM

If you need a one line answer then iOS does consume less RAM than our Android devices. But why?
First, Let us talk about background state. Background state consists of apps which are not being actively used by the user. It is basically a small stop for apps before they suspend. With suspending apps, the system can focus on the new foreground apps which user has caught the attention of.
But the OS can not suspend every single app and sometimes certain apps need to run in the background. For example, Audio apps should run in the background so that you can continue to listen to your music while checking the Facebook feed. Gmail should sync your emails in the background so that you don’t miss urgent stuff. Basically, that is the idea of multi-tasking.
Why is iOS Smoother Than Android? why iOS faster than Android? is it so? we will share the ANSWERS.. It’s All About Memory Management.
Here comes the difference between Android and iOS. iOS handles multitasking or this background apps more efficiently and thus does not drain system resources and user’s battery.
Background work should be done in a way so that overall user experience can be improved which Apple understands and does way better than Android. Another reason is Garbage Collection or GC.
iOS does not use any method for Garbage Collection and GC is useless when ARC is being used. iOS will never use Garbage Collection. There are no advantages of GC over ARC
While we are already on this topic. Let’s look at the reason behind why Android is laggier?
It all depends on the way UI rendering takes place in the different operating system. Android UI rendering takes place in main thread with normal priority whereas in iOS this happens in a separate thread with real-time priority.
Let’s try to understand this with an example. Suppose Safari is loading a web page and you tap and hold it. The loading process will stop because of the highest priority of UI rendering. The website will not load unless you lift your fingers from the Safari window. Therefore, iOS will not show any lag to you. But with Android, this happens way differently. If you do the same thing with Android browser, you will notice that the web page is still opening. This results in dropping of frame rates due to which lag occurs.
In conclusion, you can say that iOS needs less RAM because of no GC and handling multitasking efficiently.
Thanks for scrolling till the end of this article. If some other reasons got missed by us, then let us know in the comment section. We would love to read it.
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Android also renders automatically for different resolutions, the seveloper doesn’t have to do much. iOS will force the developer to do this, thus being faster.