How To Make Your Computer Shutdown At a Given Specified Time
How To Make Your Computer Shutdown At a Given Specified Time

Todays tutorials is a bit fun for some people but it may be the needy thing for those who really don’t have much time to make their computer shutdown manually. In this Popular and Unique Tutorial we are going to share an interesting trick that is “How To Make Your Computer Shutdown At a Given Specified Time” and you will enjoy doing this with your friend’s computer or any laptop.

In this tutorial we have a direct steps in which you can make your computer shutdown at a specific time!

Make sure to share this tutorial with your friends!

The most important thing in this is providing a particular time to be shutdown your computer.

Follow this Steps:

1. Right Click on your desktop screen and select New and then Shortcut. On Your Desktop there will be created a file of shortcut and you will be pop up for addressing the location.


2. After that click you will find a Pop-up asking about Location then Just Type this “shutdown -s -t 600

shutdown -s -t 600
shutdown -s -t 600

Why we have given 600 before t and s ?

because 60sec=1 minute 10*60sec=600seconds so my Computer will shutdown after 10 minutes and you can only command it by seconds not minute or hour. For 4 hours you can put 14400 in place of 600.

3. Now Click next to Continue, to name your shutdown file as “ShutDown“.


All done, you have created you own file, whenever you click on that it will shutdown your computer with your given specified time.

You icon must have the same look as given below!


Todays tutorial is How To Make Your Computer Shutdown At a Given Specified Time, this trick will help you in many ways. As we said that it will help for those who have their valuable time but also help those in the way of fun who just want this to their computer to show their friends.

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