WhatsApp Voice Messages: WhatsApp is the most downloaded social messenger platform. Millions of Android users are currently using this service. It is free and thus lots of users have displaced the paid style of texting. It offers lots of additional features like free texts, voice and video calls. It helps you to always stay connected with your friends and families. The developers are adding more features with passing time. Voice messages is another great feature which is added to the app.
Voice messaging feature is essential, but sometimes it is tough to listen to a voice message particularly in a crowdy area or in a conference. It is the voicer for WhatsApp and Whatsapp auto translate. If you want to use the feature, but face the similar obstacle, then here is an app which will solve our problem. Transcriber for WhatsApp helps to transform voice messages into readable texts.
Methods for using Transcriber for WhatsApp

1. Download Transcriber app from Google play store on your device.
2. After installing the app, you will notice few data regarding the app and some guidance.

3. After welcome page, you will automatically navigate to the app settings. However, the app includes just one page which is the settings menu screen.
4. In the settings menu, set up the app as per the need. Chose the preferred language in which you want to transform the voice messages. Select the if you want to change the language in every conversion, identify a default language or translation feature.
5. Now, start the WhatsApp and navigate to the chat with a voice message which you require to change. Long press and hold the voice message to choose it. Click on share icon> Transcriber from the drop-down menu.
6. You are almost done. The app will immediately turn the WhatsApp voice to text message.
So, this was the method how to translate WhatsApp voice message into text. Some users find difficulty in starting the text converter via app settings, but they can click on the play button on the audio to turn the voice messages into texts. At present Transcriber is available in some languages such as English, Hindi, Espanol, Francais, Deutsch, Portuguese, Italiano, and many more. Soon it will be updated with some more languages. The WhatsApp Voice Messages to text on iPhone is not available.