Beware! The Data Deleted From The Internet Don't Get Removed Permanently
Beware! The Data Deleted From The Internet Don't Get Removed Permanently
Beware! The Data Deleted From The Internet Don't Get Removed Permanently
Beware! The Data Deleted From The Internet Don’t Get Removed Permanently

Have you ever removed unwanted posts from your social media accounts? I’m sure most of the social media account holder have gone through this situation. The situation occurs only when a user posts something silly on their wall, and the question arises, are the deleted posts completely removed from the internet? Are the deleting a post safe for you? While reading this article, you will get the answers to the above questions.

A lawyer and expert on privacy and cyber security have come with the above answers. His name is Behnam Dayanim, Esq and he is from Washington, D.C. He has also told, that only posting a post is under the control of a user and deleting is not. After removing a post from social media, the post gets kept by the admin. If you also have a power of deleting the post from the deleted files, you could not do anything. You cannot recognize the exact time of the deleted files kept by admin.

Dayanim also said “there is a chance of the deleted post to be obtained by the hackers due to the vulnerability of the security. The deleted post could be private. Hence, it has a higher chance of getting misused by the hackers. Do you know, you have only given the permission to the admin at the time of opening the account. You may be confused now, but it is true. They get the permission when you agree to the terms and conditions of the website. Hence, you should always read the terms and conditions carefully before getting registered on anything.

The following are some terms and condition of social media websites:

Facebook: Almost every person has an account on Facebook. A note is added to the terms and condition of facebook stating “as long as necessary to provide products and services to you and others.” This means the server will store the removed files for future use.

Gmail: The policy of Gmail states “may not immediately delete residual copies from our active servers,” after you remove the email.

Twitter: The security flaw is also on Twitter. Twitter doesn’t state clearly. Although, it tells “the deleted files are obtained by the search engines and other third parties. The information includes account information and public comments. The same is also valid for the deactivated accounts”

Snapchat: Snapchat claims that “they can’t guarantee that the messages will be deleted within a specific timeframe. It may remain in backup for a limited period of time.”

Instagram: Instagram says “a commercially reasonable time for backup, archival, and/or audit purposes.”

Beware! The Data Deleted From The Internet Don't Get Removed Permanently
Beware! The Data Deleted From The Internet Don’t Get Removed Permanently

Don’t get afraid after reading this article because we will also tell you the solution to this problem. The solution is Cyberdust app which helps you to remove all the data easily. So, next time when you delete your emails, post or messages be careful and we will not force you to use Cyberdust. Cyberdust is available for iOS, Android, and Windows users. It is completely safe for your messaging and social networking websites. You should also be careful while posting images, jokes or any file which will get you in trouble. This is not a commercial advertisement of Cyberdust, there might be more services on internet that helps users to post things under control.

By Gadgetsay Newsroom

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