When it comes to dating, you want to impress the person opposite you. While you may have charm in abundance and devilish good looks, there are still plenty of ways to win your date over and ensure the evening is not a one-time affair. One of the more “out there” methods for impressing a romantic interest is to dazzle them with a nifty gadget. Whether you require technology to help you remember the address of the restaurant or you want a gadget to really amplify the romance, we have come up with a list of the top five gadgets that guarantee your future hookups with singles are fruitful.
Check ‘em out below!
Smart lights
Is any date truly complete unless you have appropriately romantic lighting? If you want to seem like a regular Casanova, you’ll want to make the room dusky yet inviting. Of course, you can only do this if you invite your potential partner to your home. Thanks to modern technology, you can create a wonderful atmosphere by simply installing a few smart lights.
You can find these handy gadget lights from most electrical and home appliance stores. They let you control the color, brightness and can usually be activated by your phone or a simple remote control. Some even come with a flickering effect, much like a room full of candles.
Mini projector
If you want to treat your date to an intimate movie night, why not invest in a mini projector to really take her breath away? Most modern projectors are relatively cheap and can usually be connected to your laptop, Amazon FireStick, or any other device capable of streaming movies. If you want to really impress your date, set the projector up in your garden and have your own open-air cinema date – without all those other annoying people getting in your way! You can even use the projector to provide a romantic backdrop while you get to know each other a little better.
VR headsets
Some girls are really into playing video games. VR headsets are a unique way to entertain somebody on a date, purely because there is a good chance they have never used one before. VR headsets are still a relatively new technology. They haven’t caught on quite as well as PlayStation or Xbox just yet, but the signs are promising that this tech will soon be just as popular in the near future. If you whip out the new Oculus Quest on a date, it is certain to set tongues wagging.
Portable Bluetooth speaker
Think back to all the relationships you ever had – there is always a romantic song that reminds you of each other. Heck, it might not even be very romantic, but you’ll definitely have a song. Why waste time? Create a playlist on iTunes or Spotify and play it through a portable Bluetooth speaker. This will create the perfect backdrop to the activities, whether you are enjoying a glass of wine or a sunny afternoon picnic.
The Milktape USB Mixtape Flash Drive
Sticking with the music theme with this suggestion, the Milktape USB Mixtape Flash Drive is a great present to give somebody on a date. You may be too young to remember, but back in the day, lots of people made mixtapes on cassette to show somebody that they loved them. This is the 21st-century version of that same idea. This mixtape comes in the shape of a cassette but is actually a USB flash drive; you can even add personalized labels for that special touch. Create a playlist of songs for your date and let her know exactly what she means to you.
Happy dating!
We hope these gadget ideas serve you well on your future dates. While some may be outside-the-box ideas, we are certain you’ll impress your potential partner with any of them. If you have any ideas of your own, run with them!