Every tech-companies are using Artificial Intelligence to progress in technology. Google has been using AI for almost every purpose including human’s digital lives for email, searching, navigation and even calendars. There is nothing which is not possible in this world thanks to AI.Google is used by more than 1.17 billion users in this world, and Google has all the information about them including the time when a people will die.
With the help of artificial intelligence, Google claims that they can foretell the death span of a people with almost 95% certainty. They will utilize this technology in the healthcare system for foretelling the death of the patients admitted to a hospital in approx. 24 hours. The firm claims that the technology which they use is more advanced compared to the conventional time methods.
The invention adopts integrating basic information regarding victims such as gender, age, and ethnicity. After that, the information is prepared along with patient’s data like medical records, previous diagnoses, test results, as well as their existing health condition. Gadgetsay reporters have reported previously that Google scientists issued the medical health of a woman admitted who was in the last stage of breast cancer and fluid building in her lungs.
The hospital facilities and machines exerted the woman’s essential reports which resulted that the patient has just 9.3 percent risk of dying in the hospital. After the hospital’s prediction, Google used its AI neural network which interprets immense information and automatically receives an update, fed 175,639 data points on the patient with earlier health accounts and her current vital signs as well. It presented a certainly higher prediction, stating that she has 19.9 percent probabilities of dying in the hospital. Unfortunately, she died after two days of treatment.
According to the report, “This was significantly more accurate than the traditional predictive model. These models outperformed traditional, clinically-used predictive models in all cases. We believe that this approach can be used to create accurate and scalable predictions for a variety of clinical scenarios.” The tech firm has already entered into the medical care with its DeepMind subsidiary which is recognized as leading in artificial intelligence research by few experts.