Huawei has been headstrong and confident of its prowess in the smartphone industry. Indeed, the recently launched P40 Series is not less than a beast. Despite being the leading telecom solutions provider globally, Huawei isn’t resting on its laurels but expanding its business. As such, it has proclaimed the arrival in the automobile sector during the eve of P40 launch by showcasing its HiCar for the first time to the masses.

By fully displaying Hicar’s product form and factor, Huawei is all set to mark its grand entry in the automobile sector. It’s an indication of Huawei’s substantial progress in the automobile venture after years of intense research and development.

While Google, Apple, and other tech giants are already in the race with their smart-connected automobile solutions, Huawei’s HiCar has a tale to tell, which puts it in its own league.

Huawei HiCar – Technical Specifications

Huawei did announce the technical architecture of HiCar in the HUAWEI HiCar Ecological White Paper released in August 2019, while emphasizing HiCar’s 4S positioning.

  1. Safety: Taking travel safety as a baseline, implanting safe interaction genes in the interaction design standards and technology implementation. Also, providing proactive safety capabilities such as driver abnormal behavior detection.
  2. Smart Connection: Non-inductive connection, providing a high-speed, minimalist connection.
  3. Seamless Experience: Consistent experience inside and outside the car, distributed core platform capabilities. For instance, music outside the car is played on the mobile phone, after connecting the car, it is automatically connected to the car, and the music outputs through the car audio.
  4. Sharing: Hardware mutual assistance, such as mobile phone AI computing powersharing. Cars have better communication antennas, which can be combined with the mobile phone’s communication capabilities will result in advanced navigation. During voice interaction, the respective advantages are complemented to achieve better results that cannot be obtained by a single device.

Only the time will tell whether Huawei’s take on the HiCar will bring fortune for the company or not. Given the resources and technical expertise the firm has in its arsenal, we believe the end-product to be not less than an engineering marvel.

Related: Huawei Sound X Platinum Edition Smart Speaker Launched in China for $283


By Ijaz

Decode my name to decode my norm.