Call of Duty is the first man shooting video games that were available starting from 2003. Even though it was popular in PC games, it wasn’t popular on mobile because of PUBG. Ever since the Indian Government banned PUBG’s mobile version, Call of Duty got more attention. However, we aren’t talking about mobile games, but the ones on PCs. Initially, the game was based on World War II but later in 2019; they launched the Modern Warfare edition. The game had received the Game Critic Award in 2019 for the “Best Online Multiplayer Game.” Even though Call of Duty is a popular game, it also encounters some errors while playing. An application is prone to have glitches here and there because nothing is perfect in this world. Call of Duty Modern Warfare encounters errors like dev error 6068, which will not allow you to play the game.

fix call of duty dev error 6068

The error occurs when you open the game or even after 10 to 15 minutes of opening the game. When this error occurs, it will automatically return to the desktop. Therefore you can’t play the game for some minutes, and we know it will annoy you. There are several solutions for fixing the error, and we will look into it in detail. For some, updating their Windows and graphic drivers will solve the issue. If it doesn’t, you can follow the solutions below.

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dev 6068
Source – Reddit

Solution 1: Open the game as an administrator

Most of us open heavy applications by double-clicking or by pressing the enter key. When a PC has two users, one of them will be an administrator, and the other will be a mere user. Call of Duty requires access to specific files, so mere opening will not access the game to those files. So, to get full access, you should open the game using “Run as Administrator.” It will be enough for most users to fix the dev error 6068, and you can enjoy playing your game. Those who don’t know to open as an administrator can follow the steps.

  • Open launcher and open the window of Call of Duty.
  • Now click on options and select “Show on Explorer” and find the “.exe file” and select “Run as Administrator.”

Solution 2: Change the Virtual RAM (VRAM) specifications

The Call of Duty uses a lot of VRAM, and it will cause some issues to the system. By reducing the value, you can fix the error 6068. For changing the value, follow the below steps.

  • Open the File Explorer and navigate to Documents/ Call of Duty Modern Warfare/ Players.
  • Search for the file “adv_options.ini” and open the same.
  • Now look for the line which says “VideoMemoryScale” and change the value.
  • By default, it will be at “0.85“, transform into “0.5“.

Solution 3: Scan and fix the game files

In rare cases, we found that the error arises because of Call of Duty’s corrupted files. In this scenario, you should scan and fix the issues. If any file is found missing while checking, the launcher will redownload those files. It will set the error, and you can enjoy your game.

  • For this, open the launcher and click on Call of Duty.
  • Select options and click on Scan and Repair.
  • Now choose the option Begin Scan. It will scan and do the necessary things, i.e., download if any files are missing.
  • Once the process is completed, try running the game, and it will work for sure.

Solution 4: Don’t use Multi-screens!

Most of you guys will use dual screens for your PCs, but the thing is, Call of Duty will work on your PC screen. It may work with dual-screen, but it will not go well. So, if you are encountering any issues, use only the PC screen.

  • For this, click on the Notification icon on the system tray.
  • Now click on Project and select PC Screen only option.
  • You can also do this by holding “Windows Key + P.

Solution 5: Use DirectX 11 to Run the Game!

Even though DirectX 12 is out, it has some issues which will cause errors in the game. The main reason behind this is that some PCs don’t have the necessary specification for the new DirectX 12. To switch to DirectX 11, follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Open and click on Options.
  • Select Game settings and click on Modern Warfare.
  • Now select the box which says Additional Command Line Arguments.
  • Once you see the text box, type -d3d11 and restart the launcher. 
  • It might fix the error which you are facing.

Solution 6: End background tasks and reduce Graphics Settings!

Another way is to End all background tasks running on your PC. For this, follow the steps below.

  • Open your Task Manager.
  • End all the process except Call of Duty.
  1. To reduce Graphics Settings, Go to the Graphics Settings option in the game.
  2. Now reduce to the lowest option available.
  3. And, it is also worth noting that you should turn off Ray Racing because it eats a lot of memory.

Solution 7: Enable high-performance mode in your GPU (can be done in both AMD/ NVIDIA)

dev error 6068

Follow the steps for enabling high-performance mode in your GPU.

For AMD:

  • Open the AMD Radeon control centre and choose preferences.
  • Now select Additional Radeon Settings and open the Power section.
  • Click on Switchable Graphics Global Settings and choose high performance as your Settings.
  • Now, click on apply and enjoy.


  • First, open the NVIDIA control panel on your PC and select Adjust Image Settings with Preview.
  • Now click on the option Use my Preference Emphasizing.
  • Move the slider to the left for increasing performance.

Solution 8: Increase your RAM or contact ACTIVISION SUPPORT

If you couldn’t fix the error with the above solutions, then only two things are left to do. The first one is to upgrade your RAM, which has a minimum frequency of 3200 MHz. And the final way is to contact ACTIVISION support. However, you should provide them with the logs so that they could solve your issues.

These are the eight solutions by which you can solve the dev error 6068. Make a comment on this post that which solution has helped you to solve the error. 

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By Basith Rahman

Basith is a CA student who is also a tech evangelist and an auto lover who works with and talks about latest news in tech and auto industry. Apart from this, Basith is a traveller, foodie and a movie buff.