WPA2-PSK may not be as safe as you think. There are a few attacks against WAP2-PSK. One of the most common attacks is against WPA2 is exploiting a weak passphrase. Below you will find a few easy steps on how to break WPA2 with a weak passphrase.
Wifi Hacking, nowadays, is not something which is the exclusive domain of the “experts”. Nowadays with some knowledge and practice, you can also do wifi hacking easily. In our previous tutorial, we had shown you cracking a WiFi network which is secured with WPS security but this tutorial is a bit different, in this tutorial we are going to explain to you that How to hack secured wifi with WPA2-PSK using Kali Linux. Do Tell us your queries in the comment Box.
Also Read: Install And Run Kali Linux On Android Smartphone In 2016
This hack may or may does not work on some Wifi network, We have personally tested this on some random Wifi networks and it works Fine for us.
Things You Need:-
Laptop/PC with Wifi and Kali Linux Installed
Step 1: Open Terminal in Kali Linux. The first thing that you need to do is to find out the name of your of your wireless adapter, Just type ifconfig on the terminal and hit enter. Here in my case, wlan0 is my Wireless adapter.
Step 2: Now type airmon-ng check kill and hit enter and then type airmon-ng check and then hit enter
Also Read: How To Install And Run Linux Bash Shell On Windows 10
Step 3: Enable Monitor mode. Now, we are going to use a tool called airmon-ng to create a virtual interface called mon. Just type airmon-ng start wlan0 and hit enter.
Step 4: Now we have to start capturing packets and to do this we will use airodump-ng. Type airodump-ng wlan0mon and hit enter and after that, You’ll able to see the name of the wifi networks.
Step 5: Suppose I want to hack the Wifi Bond_007 all I have to do is just copy the BSSID of the network. Just Select the BSSID and then Press Ctrl+C
Step 6: Now write the command reaver –i wlan0mon -b (BSSID that you had copied) -vv -K 1 and then Hit enter. Voila, You got the passcode.
e.g: reaver -i wlan0mon -b B0:5G:54:96:G7:70 -vv -K 1
Every Tutorial in Gadgetsay is for educational purpose, We are not responsible for any Loss.
After some attempts it says Warning Detected AP rate limiting, waiting 60 b4 rechecking…
-K 1 not valid options in reaver 1.4