How To RUN Linux OS On Android Without Rooting
How To RUN Linux OS On Android Without Rooting

Installing Linux distribution on your Android means you need an ARM-supported distro alone with a root permission, it is well known that rooting Android phone will void the warranty along with it will open the backdoors for possible attacks. Today we came up with an interesting article which will explain to you how to install Linux distribution on your Android without rooting.

There is controversial matter going on, authorities are investing big on its official Ubuntu smartphones, and if you don’t want to purchase Ubuntu instead of Linux then you have a right decision.

Also Read: How To Track Geo Location Of Any Device Using Kali Linux

Basically, we need Linux command prompt on our Android phone so that we can do some things right away. Why don’t we need any rooting on our Android smartphone? because with GNURoot we don’t need those process of rooting our phone and doing void warranty, so this GNURoot will skip the root permission , you just need to follow the below process and you have what you came here for.

This is endless true that is this Linux installing on your Android is not like the complete Linux OS version, but you will have all the necessary tools such as apt-get, SSH and other things that can turn your Android phone into a LAMP server to run complete web apps, there are much more tools you will find in this version of OS.

Steps To Install Linux OS On Android Without Root

Step1. Install GNURoot From Google Store, it is a free application, this application will place a fake Linux root file sys on your Android directory.

Install GNURoot From Google Store

Step2. Open GNURoot and by default, it will offer different ARM-based Linux distros: (Debian) Wheezy, Fedora, (a lightweight BusyBox variant) Aboriginal and Gentoo. You can select anyone of these and tap on ‘Create New Roots‘ it will download the required amount of data which will take few minutes depend on your Internet Speed.

Open GNURoot

Step3. After the download completes from the second drop-down option you will see Linux Distro, select that and tick on the “Lunch as Fake Root” to get the apt-get and other root commands, and again tap on “Launch Rootfs” to start installing every data and use Linux on your Android Phone.

Step4. Now it’s ready to use, now you can start using Linux on your Android phone, even from now you can install any package from your distro’s repo program using package manager by apt-get.

From the application you can create another terminal window just by tapping ‘+’ button at the top, you can even switch the window using drop-down menu located top-left corner.

How to Go Graphical With Linux Distros On Android?

There are four Linux distros available, you can access them using the command window also you need GUI, for this, you need to implement GNURoot WheezyX Distro (See the first step). Using this method it will launch VNC server, to see the GUI you need to download VNC Viewer from Google Play Store.

Now once you launch the WheezyX Distro in the different window you need to open VNC viewer app and from there enter ‘localhost:1’ as address and ‘password’ as the password.

After that soon a new terminal for WheezyX will launch as a virtual desktop, now you can navigate things using virtual mouse and keyboard icon. Now everything is good, RUN Linux on Android.

If you think you didn’t understand the tutorial then you can ask your questions using comment box we will try to give you a proper solution!

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