Recently, Huami has unveiled the Amazfit X smartwatch. The Amazfit X smartwatch has a curved display to make it more comfortable on the wrist of a user. Huami has launched Amazfit X via the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo. On the Indiegogo website, it is written that the shipping of Amazfit X will start in August 2020.
The watch does not have any buttons making it even more comfortable, so you can wear it while sleeping without any problem. Amazfit X will display more data on your wrist if we compare it to other smartwatches in the market right now. It features a 2.07-inch curved AMOLED display with 206 x 640 pixels resolution and 400 nits brightness.
Amazfit X smartwatch is packed with a 200 mAh battery that can last up to 7 days. In connectivity options, it packs a Bluetooth 5.0, while GPS and GLONASS handle positioning duties. The smartwatch has a PPG heart rate sensor through which you can monitor heart rate 24 x 7. Moreover, it houses a blood oxygen saturation sensor, an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and an ambient light sensor.
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Its has 9 versatile sports modes including indoor fitness, pool swimming, outdoor cycling, walking, etc. The smartwatch is water-resistant up to 50 meters. The interested users can grab the Amazfit X smartwatch at a discounted price of $149 for early-birds, whereas IGG special Amazfit X is priced at $179 for early birds. However, the regular price of the smartwatch is $329.