Insiders Say, Defending Against Hackers Took a Back Seat at Yahoo, Recently most of the major IT companies were hacked and that includes Yahoo, Bitcoin, Dropbox, and Google. The co-founder of Google, Sergey Brin has talked about these attacks saying security will be prioritized as one of the top services for the company and sooner Google hired hundreds of security engineers with huge signing bonuses also invested millions of dollars in security infrastructure and standardized a new motto “Never again,” as a message that no one can hack into Google’s customers accounts.
When Google did all the required things on the other side Yahoo was slower in security defense services that are necessary to protect the system from hackers. Employees who participated in security discussions about half a dozen agreed but with one condition of anonymity.
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A company spokeswoman Suzanne Philion said in defense of Yahoo’s security, “company spent $10 million on encryption technology in early 2014, and that its investment in security initiatives will have increased by 60 percent from 2015 to 2016”.
Later she added “At Yahoo, we have a deep understanding of the threats facing our users and continuously strive to stay ahead of these threats to keep our users and our platforms secure,”
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Avivah Litan, a security analyst with the research firm Gartner “Yahoo is already suffering. I don’t think they’ll suffer more because of this.”
Ms. Philion said, “Yahoo’s policy is that if we believe a user’s password has been compromised, we lock the account until the user resets the password”
Last week about 500 million accounts was involved in the breach. And the stolen passwords were encrypted. Then yahoo notified the users to reset their passwords. Yahoo is going down with improper security services.
Also Read: 500 Million Yahoo Accounts Were Stolen By “Peace of Mind”