How To Fix iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus Home Button Not Working Issue
How To Fix iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus Home Button Not Working Issue

iPhone Home Button Not Working? “iphone 6 home button not working” “iphone home button stuck” There are many home button wont work on iphone 6. issue with phone is genuine. in various reasons, like its not vibrating or if its cracked which can be replacement, and in most cases the button feels weird which looks like not responsive after the click. If you are new iPhone owner, then you might have faced some problems.

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Frequently, the iPhone 7 home button stuck and other versions also have the same problem. Recently Apple has launched iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, these versions could also face a home button not working problem which is an essential feature of iOS phones.

Many iPad users have also suffered from this problem that home button not working on iPad. Here, we will discuss how do I fix my iPhone home button? but only for iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 plus.

Apple has modified the home button technology from the iPhone 7 versions which provide users haptic feedback button that cannot be clicked and works from sensitivity touch of the finger. So, the users might have faced when home button not working iPhone 7 or higher. If the iPhone 8 or 8 plus home button doesn’t work, then they have to use the not so easier on-screen circle navigation button. To solve this problem, you don’t have to be a hardware or software expert. There is a simple method which you can use to solve the home button issue in seconds.

Reboot or Hard reset

How To Fix iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus Home Button Not Working Issue
How To Fix iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus Home Button Not Working Issue

Rebooting is the best method to solve many issues on the iPhone. It has also helped most of the users when the iPhone home button stuck. If you are facing the same problem, then use this quick method as the first option. It might work in your case too. Follow this step to safely reboot without any further damage.
1. Visit Settings app on your device.
2. Tap on General and, then Reset.
3. Now, tap on Reset All Settings.
4. It’s that simple.

Connect the Charger

How To Fix iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus Home Button Not Working Issue
How To Fix iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus Home Button Not Working Issue

Some errors often occur because of insufficient charge. Connecting the charger can also work when your iPhone home button stops working. Your iPhone can start working like before.

Check for iOS Update

How To Fix iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus Home Button Not Working Issue
How To Fix iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus Home Button Not Working Issue

Every iPhone user should practice regular iOS updated which helps the device for modification. Although, iOS Updates can also help when your iPhone 8 or 8 plus home button stops working.
1. Visit Settings app on your device.
2. Click on General option.
3. Now, select Software Update.

So, these were some simple steps to fix iPhone 8/8+ Home Button not working issue. Remember, if you mistakenly dropped your iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 plus and your device home button stops working, then these steps might not work. It may be a hardware issue or some internal loss. If his happened then contact Apple support immediately.

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