Samsung Galaxy Note 9 was launched back in 2018 with Android 8.1 Oreo onboard. Now the phone is upgradable to the latest Android 10. But some of you don’t like the new user interface of Samsung or want some more customizability on your Phone. Then you should install a custom ROM on Galaxy Note 9. Here in this article, we have listed some of the best custom ROMs for Galaxy Note 9 (Exynos SoC).
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It’s important to tell you here that Samsung has launched Galaxy Note 9 in the US and China with Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 Soc and in the rest of the world, the phone comes with Exynos 9810 Soc. So in this article, we have listed custom ROMs compatible with the Exynos variant. If your phone is powered by a snapdragon Soc then we have already written the list of some best custom ROMs for Galaxy Note 9 (Snapdragon Soc) have a look at it.
The phone is packed with quite decent specs that are enough to run any of the below-listed custom ROMs. If you don’t know custom ROM, it is a customized version of stock Android firmware. They usually improve the performance and increase the battery life of your device.
Note: Installing a custom ROM on your Galaxy Note 9 will void the warranty. Gadgetsay is no way responsible for any damage to the device and data.
Best Custom ROMs for Galaxy Note 9
It is based on AOSP(Android Open Source Project) and mainly focused to increase the performance of the phone. crDroid includes many features from AOSPA, SlimRoms, Omni ROM, and many other ROMs. To use Google services properly you have to install Gapps separately. According to the developers and some users, there is not any known issue. Moreover, it is one of the most stable ROM for Galaxy Note 9 on Android 10. If you want to install it, follow the link below.
Download crDroid for Galaxy Note 9
Havoc OS
It is based on AOSP(Android Open Source Project). The user interface of Havoc OS is very similar to Google Pixel phones. Havoc OS for Galaxy Note 9 runs on Android 10. However, it does not include the Gapps, so you have to install it separately to use Google services. The ROM does not have any known issues yet, all the features of Galaxy Note 9 are in working condition. To download and install the Havoc-os ROM follow the link below.
LineageOS 17.1
It is the most popular custom ROM developer after CynogenMOD shuts down. LineageOS is based on AOSP(Android Open Source Project) and LineageOS 17.1 for Galaxy Note 9 runs on Android 10. You must install the Gapps separately if you want to use full Google services.
It’s important to tell you here that LineageOS 17.1 for Galaxy Note 9 is Nightly built. That’s the reason why after installing it on Note 9 might give some issues like Iris sensor, VoLTE, and VoWiFi. If you’re interested to install the LineageOS 17.1 on your phone then follow the link below.
Download LineageOS 17.1 for Note 9
Evolution X
It is also based on the AOSP (Android Open Source Project) and on the Google Pixel user interface. Evolution X ROM for Galaxy Note 9 runs on Android 10. It has the builtin Gapps to use Google Services properly on your phone. According to the developers and some users, all the features of Note 9 are in working condition. If you are interested in installing the ROM you should follow the link below.
Download Evolution X for Evolution X
We hope you successfully select the most suitable custom ROM for your Samsung Galaxy Note 9. If you have any queries or feedback kindly use the comment box below.