How To Lock Windows 10 Automatically Via Dynamic Lock
How To Lock Windows 10 Automatically Via Dynamic Lock

Lock Windows 10 Automatically: Add an extra layer of security to your windows 10 laptop or PC with this comprehensive guide. In this tutorial, we will use the help of  Dynamic Lock which is a great feature packed within the Windows 10. 

Out of all the windows, Windows 10 is one of a great deal by the Microsoft. It comes with so many different interesting features that I myself can’t stop to write about this. Here I go again with this article on Windows 10.

How To Lock Windows 10 Automatically Via Dynamic Lock

Privacy and security are the highest priority of every single person out here including you. You don’t want anyone to look at your stuff right? Be it your phone, laptop, facebook or anything you don’t want to compromise your security. That’s why this article is definitely for you.

We all know the traditional Windows 10 Security feature, that “enter your password” or “enter your pin” is not going to work every time. For instance, suppose you are working on your windows 10 and suddenly you see your car getting towed. You would go with blazing fast speed for your car but hey! you have just opened a hole in your security. Yes! your windows 10 is accessible by any one because you haven’t locked it. This was just one instance, countless stuff can lead to compromise your windows 10 security.

To prevent such things, there is a simple yet not so popular feature with which you can add an extra layer of security to your windows 10. This feature is called “Dynamic Lock“. I have talked a lot so let’s just jump into this comprehensive guide.

How to setup Dynamic Lock in Windows 10

Pre-requisites: Things You Need For Dynamic Lock

  1. A Windows 10 laptop or PC with Bluetooth connectivity.
  2. A smartphone again with Bluetooth.

Step 1: Pair your phone to Windows 10

How To Lock Windows 10 Automatically Via Dynamic Lock
How To Lock Windows 10 Automatically Via Dynamic Lock
  • Go to Settings>Devices > Bluetooth & other devices.
How To Lock Windows 10 Automatically Via Dynamic Lock
How To Lock Windows 10 Automatically Via Dynamic Lock
  • Turn on your device Bluetooth and turn your phone Bluetooth as well.
  • Connect your phone to windows 10 via Bluetooth or vice versa.
  • You will receive notification on pairing both the devices.

Now, we are halfway there to use this new security feature. Follow the next step and you’re done.

Step 2: Activate Dynamic Lock

How To Lock Windows 10 Automatically Via Dynamic Lock
How To Lock Windows 10 Automatically Via Dynamic Lock
  • Go to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in Options
  • Under the Dynamic Lock, Check the box which says “Allow Windows to detect when you’re away and automatically lock the device

That’s it now your windows has Dynamic Lock feature which works pretty good.

Now, if you will go away from your Windows 10 Laptop or PC for more than 30 seconds, this feature will lock your device automatically. Kinda cool, isn’t it? Although if someone starts using the windows 10 before those 30 seconds, the feature will not work at all.

Thanks for scrolling till the end with me. If you find any problem while using this feature then let me know in the comment section below. For more tutorials like this? Yes! stay connected.

By Gadgetsay Newsroom

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2 thought on “How To Lock Windows 10 Automatically Via Dynamic Lock”
  1. Sir in my pc Bluetooth is not found by my phone so what should i do to pair my pc with phone…

  2. PC normally does not have inbuilt Bluetooth connectivity. You will have to purchase a mini wireless Bluetooth device. This small thing will cost around 200 bucks.

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