Make Your Android Experience Better With Knock Code

Today we are going to share another Xposed module with you and the name of the module is Knockcode. now if you recognise the name that’s just because Knock code is a well-known Feature on Some LG devices that allow you to Unlock your device with an invisible pattern or code, this module is not totally identical to that, This module tries to emulate the same feature on all devices. I hope that you will enjoy and will make your Android experience better with this module.

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  • Replaces your Lock Screen with a Cool Knock Code
  • You can Assign a different password to open different app directly from your Lock Screen.
Things You Need:-
  1. Android Device(with Xposed Installed)
  2. Knock Code Module(Download)

To install Xposed go to this Noob Friendly tutorial from here.

Step 1: Open Xposed and then Tap on Download button and Search for Knock code and then Download and Install

Note: The download option is given under Version Tab.

Step 2: After Downloading and installing go back to the main page and then tap on Modules, put a tick in the Checkbox and then Reboot your Device.

Note: To Activate Every Module Reboot is necessary.

Step 3: After installation and reboot, go to setting and then Assign a Pattern lock. This is for backup if the knock code doesn’t work in that criteria you can use the Pattern Lock.

Step 4: Now Open the Knock Code Application and then Go to Change knock code and tap on the boxes to assign a code, voila you did it. If you disable the Appearance setting then also the code will Work and the best thing is it will work invisibly after disabling Appearance setting.

Note: The default code is 1234

Every Tutorial in Gadgetsay is for educational purpose, We are not responsible for any loss.

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