Most Wanted Hacker From US Arrested In Russia
Most Wanted Hacker From US Arrested In Russia

A most wanted cyber criminal, Joshua Samuel Aaron, 32, a US citizen arrested by Russian authorities in May 2016 after trespassing upon the condition on his visa.

In 2015 US authorities charged Aaron and two of his friends for hacking and stealing data from 12 different international companies and other nine financial institutions between 2007 and 2014. The list of companies is JPMorgan Chase, Scottrade, E*Trade Financial Corp, The Wall Stree Journal, News Corp and TD Ameritrade.

In 2015 Aaron’s Co-conspirators Arrested in Israel

A legal notice published by US authorities said, Aaron and his two Israelis friends were involved stealing financial data from international companies which include 100 million customer data, and they had used Heartbleed vulnerability techniques to break into those companies’ server.

After a couple of months when US authority charged Israelis hackers the Israeli authorities arrested Gery Shalon and Ziv Orenstein and handover them to US authorities, sooner after the information leaked to Aaron, he escaped from the US and flew to Ukraine in May 2015 and then Russia. Aaron became the most wanted hacker from US authorities and they made it international charges against Aaron.

Aaron Arrested After Disobeying Russian Visa Rules

Aaron and his Israeli-born wife had been living in Moscow where the US secret investigator gathered intel about them. Again on May 2016, Russian police arrested Aaron because of disobeying visa rules, after arresting the Russian authority instruct Aaron to leave the country at immediate sanction and to re-enter after six months.

Aaron is still under Russian authority, the authorities detained and fined him 5,000 rubles ($80) for disobeying visa rules, soon after the day judge ordered the officials to deport him on different country instead of US.

Most Wanted Hacker From US Arrested In Russia

Aaron seeking political asylum and judge refuse his request over the summer. After consulting with his lawyer he again filed an appeal for delaying his deportation.

There is a hidden source from Bloomberg “Russian authorities tried to exchange Aaron for an unstated “mutual” act. The source said this exchange is the favor for both countries.

After the arrest on May 2016, Arron spending his life at a special Russian facility, the judge said if his political asylum appeal negotiated he will be free to travel to any country of his choice.

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