It was reported on April 4 by Indian Tech Media named 91mobiles reported that the pricing of the device has been leaked. The launch date of the OPPO F21 Pro series mobile phones in India has been set for April 12. As you know, the launch date isn’t far, and popular tipster Sudhanshu Ambhore has leaked the pricing of the phone in India. The phone will debut with straight-edge bezels similar to that of the iPhone 13. It will also have a punch-hole display, three rear cameras, and a 4500mAh battery that supports SuperVooc fast-charging solution.
Oppo F21 Pro Series Pricing!
According to him, the pricing of the OPPO F21 Pro in India for the 8GB RAM +128GB storage (4G variant) starts at 21,990 Indian rupees (about 1849.36 Yuan or 292 USD). While the 5G variant with the same capacity, i.e. (8GB + 128GB), starts at 25,990 Indian rupees (about 2185.76 Yuan or 345 USD). When launched, the device will be available in three colors. These are Orange, Cosmic Black, and Rainbow Spectrum. Once it has been launched, the OPPO F21 Pro will be available for purchase through Amazon and OPPO’s official website.
Oppo F21 Pro Series Specifications!
The brand has also revealed some of the specifications of the device through its microsite. As per the brand, the upcoming device will be the first in the segment to feature a custom-made Sony IMX 709 32MP sensor on the front. It has 60% more light sensitivity which makes it ideal for low light photos, and comes with a 35% decrease in noise compared to old sensors. The device will also sport AI Portrait Enhancement which will be able to segregate between beauty spots and skin blemishes. It will also feature the 2MP macro lens with 15x/30x magnification support.
As mentioned earlier, the OPPO F21 Pro will feature three cameras next to the LED flash on the back panel. It will have two large lenses and one small lens. The primary camera will be a 64MP sensor. It will be paired with a depth sensor and a macro sensor. The upcoming device will feature a 6.43 inches Full HD+ AMOLED display with a screen refresh rate of 90 Hz. The 4G variant may feature the Snapdragon 680 chipset and Snapdragon 695 for the 5G variant.
The OPPO F21 Pro will be backed by a 4500mAh battery that supports 33W SuperVOOC fast charging. It also features a side-mounted fingerprint scanner which is embedded in the power button. The device will have a unique orange leather touch for the back panel. More details of the device can be known once it is launched.