Popular YouTubers 2017
Top 10 Popular YouTubers 2017 With YouTube Channels Names

Top 10 Popular YouTubers 2017 With YouTube Channels Names

We all are fond of YouTube it is the top site after Google. It is a combo pack of Entertainment, Educational, and Social Networking Sites. YouTube doesn’t show only videos on celebrities. You can also post videos on YouTube and get paid for it. As YouTube give money to the most subscribed channels who has monetization their videos with Google AdSense. So below are the the Popular YouTubers 2017! This is not enough, because YouTube not only make it users employed but also make them popular as a celebrity! yeah if you want to be like them then why wait? 2017 Popular YouTubers are here, lean from them and earn like them!

Many people are earning money through YouTube. This record carries the YouTube channels which are mostly watched, for example, PewDiePie is a YouTube channel which was not a celebrity. After subscribing to YouTube, PewDiePie earned up to $12 Million in a year. In a very short time, he became very popular through his videos. List of YouTube Channel Names and their total subscribers.

1. Smosh

Smosh American web-established sketch comedian duo. The videos are posted every Friday, Monday, and Tuesday and BTS (behind the scenes) are published every next day. The channel has over 22 million subscribers and over 5.9 billion views. Smosh Games uploads many videos in a week which include Let’s Plays and video game commentary program.(Official Website), This channel is not only Popular YouTubers 2017 but also it will last for many years from now. 2017 Popular YouTubers starts from here, as Smosh. Tips: People loves to get entertainment.

2. ElrubiusOMG

El Rubius is consisting of two channels called elrubius and ElRubiusOMG. El Rubius on his first channel elrubius was not able to become associated with YouTube because of some industrial action. This channel is motivation with game plays, it also posts blogs, challenges, answers fan questions and does sketch comedies. After posting the game play of The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim he earned many subscribers. His channel has over 4.9 billion views and 23 million subscribers, which had made its channel 6th subscribed channel on YouTube. It is the second subscribed channel in the Spanish language. (Official Website)

3. PewDiePie


PewDiePie has rewarded the Most Popular Social Show. It is the first channel to reach 15 million subscribers. His main concentration is the reviews and feedback to various PC games. This channels if one of the Popular YouTubers 2017. His unadventurous Let’s Play videos are dedicated to “sharing gaming moments on YouTube with my bros”. In the early time, he was known for playing horror and action video games. In January 2017, his videos presently have over 150,000 years of views.(Official Website)

4. ERB

ERB is invented by Peter Shukoff and Lloyd Ahlquist. They make videos in a rap battle style which are based on modern customs facts, genuine and imaginary. It has over 14.1 million subscribers and 3.3 billion views. (Official Website). The Channels earns millions $$$ every year and it came under the list of 2017 Popular YouTubers.

5. RayWilliamJohnson

Johnson is a founder of Equals Three channel. He is posting commentary and jokes to viral videos. The channel had over 10 million subscribers and 2.6 billion total views. He was the American actor, comedian, producer, director, writer, and rapper because of these qualities it was best known for his YouTube channel, Ray William Johnson. Basically the video on his every clip considered as comedy and people loved to watch him and Popular YouTubers 2017 was not added his channel but after several consideration and research it was found that this channels name and frame has popular in UK, USA, Australia and some of the middel east countries including Asia

6. WatchMojo

This channel makes daily Top Ten videos, yes all top 10. These videos are having 16 themes or you can say categories like automotive, business, comedy, education, fashion, film, anime, health, fitness, lifestyle, music, parenting, politics and economy, space and science, sports, technology, travel, and video games. It has over 7.3 billion all-time video views and 13.4 million subscribers. (Official Website), this channel was not that much popular in some Asian countries and some middle east but still consider as Popular YouTubers 2017 because the Popular Youtube Channel Names has the name WatchMojo in their watch list.

7. Roosterteeth

This channel was introduced in 2009. They first worked on Captain Dynamic which is a short sequence for encouraging the online game City of Heroes. It is directed by Burnie Burns, Matt Hullum, Geoff Ramsey, Gus Sorola, and Joel Heyman. This group also concentrate on themes like reality shows, video game progress, entertainment news function, and podcasts. The other acts invented by them include live-action sequence Rooster Teeth Shorts which is a sketch comedy. It has over 8.9 million subscribers and over 4.7 billion video views. (Official Website)

8. JennaMarbles

Marbles launched a video which was named “How to Trick People into Thinking You’re Good Looking”. JennaMarbles got over 5.3 million views in the first week only. She uploads new videos in every Wednesday or Thursday. (Official Website)

9. Yuya

It posts videos on beauty and utilizes the title ‘lady16makeup’. It was the highest earned beauty blog in 2015. Till the date, her channel is ranked as the 16th most subscribed on YouTube. It is also declared as the top channel controlled by a lady. Most of the subscribers are from Mexico. It has over 17.5 million subscribers and the rank increase from 60,000 subscribers every week.

10. Holasoygerman

Garmendia is the maker of this blog. It was started in 2011. He is a comedian, musician, singer, and writer. He has created various types of songs with his crew. It has presently over 48 million subscribers.

So, these were the top 10 best YouTube channels for your 2017 checklist, you can subscribe to it. The listed channels are very much popular and they even earn in million. So subscribe the channel you like the most. Next article will be Top 10 Popular Indian YouTube Channels.

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