The company launched its new Realme V25 smartphone and the Realme Buds Q2S true wireless earbuds at the Realme press conference. The earbuds arrive with the transparent capsule design, as shown in the leaks. According to the reports, the earbuds come with two-color variants, i.e., “Sen” and “Paper”. In the article, we will discuss the features and the pricing of the true wireless earbuds.
Features of Realme Buds Q2S:
As mentioned, the earbuds get the transparent capsule type design and present the dynamic arc in design. The earbuds seem like a spaceship that cuts through the sky from the design.
The new earbuds feature a 480-mAh battery that is now 50% more than its predecessor. Using the case, the earbuds can last about 30 hours. And if you use the realme Buds Q2S for about 4 hours daily, they can last for a week. The 10 minutes of charge will run the earbuds for about 3 hours using flash charging.
Realme features the 10mm bass-enhancing large moving coil along with the advanced bass boost + composite bass enhancement scheme, the layering is more obvious, and it also supports Dolby Atmos.
Realme Buds Q2S earbuds also arrive with the AI intelligence noise reduction while calling. Depending on the usage, customers can reduce the ambient noise around the call and make the voice more prominent. Along with this, the earbuds also get the IPX4 rating supporting the waterproof certification. Also, now you can link your earbuds with the App from Realme.
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