has been officially shut down forever says the report from the authorities. But they could never do that remember the message when you open the search engine after the shut down they have a message “Torrentz will always love you. Farewell”.

Which means there is something hidden in the message why would they use the farewell word for the users. Well, they wanted everyone to know that the are coming back and soon. Yes, finally the word is out. is back and continuing its legacy built years ago.

The website was shut down after one month of the alleged owner of piracy website KickassTorrents in Poland who was sentenced to years in jail. The legacy would still go on by replacing a new clone in the form of Torrentz was founded in 2003 still the best among the platform to search torrent files.

After the shutdown of the website all the companies of other websites are in fear of facing legal actions and they’re planning to shut the sites by themselves for a certain period of time, And also solar movie gave up in the fear of legal action.

Now this might be interesting for you but it’s true that after the shutdown of kickass torrents. In the next day itself, The clone websites were started providing torrent services. Out of those clone sites, a site name stated that its website is “hosted on multiple number cloud servers to prevent blockade, And the hosting information is well hidden behind Cloudflare”. Kat was estimated to be On 69-th place for the most frequently visited website for sharing films, video games, TV series, Music and other services.

Looks like this website is never going down, And also the users are using voting polls all over the internet to bring back the website. And apart from that kickass torrents are using clones as the replica of the original sites. Also, the message of farewell is assumed as a clue to be the next new website of torrent coming soon.

By Gadgetsay Newsroom

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