You Don't Know The Secret Of Symbol In Power Button

History And Secrets Of power Button symbol. Ever wondered why we see this power icon when we on an electronic device like computers, laptops,smartphones etc. Well, everything has a reason a meaning and even this icon has some reason to pop up and also a meaning. And we all think it is just an icon which is popping up to show that the device is getting booted. But it is not the only thing. And in this article, I’m going to share with you what it actually indicates.

You Are From Tech And You Don’t Know The Secret Of Power Button Symbol

So let’s get started this icon consist of some numbers in it. Yes, it’s true. Watch it close


You will find the two numbers in it. To understand this we need to know that basically, every electronic device understands one input and one output, On and off. Yes, this is how the logic is and in this article, you’ll learn about it.

Now watch this picture close there’s an icon on this button which consists of 1 and 0 in it assigned in one another 0 is on top and 1 is on the bottom they have merged into each other.

What it basically means is when you press the button the device gets booted up and ON and when you press the button for the second time the device goes OFF. So this is how it works.

When the device is ON then 1 command is executed and the device gets ON, Similarly when the device is ON we press the same button to OFF it and when we hit that button the 0 command is executed and the device gets OFF. Interesting right? Now you’ve known what is the meaning of this icon and how it works.

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