Top 10 Best Command Prompt (CMD) Tricks And Hacks
Top 10 Best Command Prompt (CMD) Tricks And Hacks

All the computer users have come across the “Windows Command Prompt” tool at some point and most of the times they feel that it is boring, because it doesn’t have good graphical user-interface and it is barely used. But hold that thought because in this tutorial I am going to share some interesting tricks and hacks of command prompt that you have never heard before. So let’s get started. Open your command prompt by pressing (Win+R)and try these tricks below.

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Top 10 Best Command Prompt (CMD) Tricks And Hacks

1. These commands will help you perform shutdown, restart or logoff operations with just one command.

For Shut Down: shutdown -s

For Restarting: shutdown -r

For Logoff: shutdown -l

2. You can also shutdown your computer at a specified time by setting the time. Follow the command below.

shutdown -s -t 120

3. You can print a message before you shutdown by using this command. This will be helpful to the user as a reminder or for leaving a message for the next person who will use the computer.

shutdown -s -t 500 -c “i don’t want to work.”

4. We use a lot of application in our computer each with the different extension so remembering all those extensions can be hectic so use this command to check the extension of any application.


5. You can hide a folder with this command

attrib +s +h D:honey

In the above command honey is the name of folder, Now unhide the folder with this command

attrib -s -h D:ABC

6. You can use config command to check all the information about your internet connection like IP address, Default gateway, and subnet mask.

In order to view Subnet Mask and IP Address use this command.


In order to view TCP/IP related Information use this command.


In order to view DNS cache use this command.


In order to delete the local cache of DNS use this command.


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7. Follow the internet related commands below.

net stop server

( It is used when the server is currently not running any service).

net start server

(It is used when the server is starting a service).

net start

(This command is used to check the services that are currently running).

net use m:sharedservername

(This command is used for connecting to share network drives).

net use m:sharedservername/delete

(This command is used for disconnecting to share network drives).

8. Now you can check the list of all your drivers by using this command.


9. Use this command for Star Wars IV Trick.


Before doing that, make sure you have telnet enabled on your PC.

10. Now you can create Your Own WiFi Hotspot just follow the commands below.

“netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Hotspotname key=password”

Now to start hotspot you need to enter

“netsh wlan start hostednetwork”

Now to stop hotspot, you need to enter :

“netsh wlan stop hostednetwork”

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These are the must know command prompt codes that every windows user need to know. These all are helpful for various operations.

By Gadgetsay Newsroom

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