Top 10 Best Free Web Development Courses For Beginners
At present, each person keeps the equal potential of learning programming language easily. Though several professions courses require months or even years to complete its training but with web development course you can start your professional course very easily and at the moment. Here are the top 10 websites which will teach you programming languages like HTML, CSS, PHP, Ruby and much more. In the provided websites below, you can learn Web Development Courses in a professional way.
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1. Codecademy– Codecademy is indubitably the most well-known website for learning to code in a very interesting manner. It has very helpful border and logical courses. When you will visit the official website of Codecademy, you can start learning to program in an accurate method. You have to select a course provided by them from Web Fundamentals, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, Ruby, and APIs.
When you will go through the sessions, you will get the detailed training about the coding in a sheet. Then you will get another sheet in which you have to practice and write the lessons you understood. There is no problem if you write a wrong thing, they will guide you afterward and also provide hints. You will have a great experience on this website.
2. Udacity– it his website you can learn through video speech and also through Quizzes. If you are not a book lover and a person who don’t like to read then this website is for you. You can discuss the sessions with professional through videos and you will get instructions for your mistakes as well. The plus point of Udacity is that they provide sufficient video tutorials for their learners.
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3. Code Avengers– this website will make you fall in love with programming. You will experience an interactive learning and in a very entertaining way all thanks to its design of this website. Towards the end of every session, you will be provided to play a game for a short interval that will remove all your stress. It teaches the basic part of the courses in a very entertaining way which is for the beginners.
4. Khan Academy– You have to firstly sign up the Programming Basics course and watch the videos to learn basic theory. After that, you can look at the code and through the video sessions you can clear your doubts. You can also save your changes as a sequel and then modify. It also helps you to clear your doubt in maths by giving tips and tricks to solve a problem.
5. HTML5 Rocks – they provide many commentary and lecture related to web development theme. This is best for the beginners as well as the professionals. This website is invented by Google.
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6. Coding Dojo Algorithm Prep– Coding Dojo is a gratis online algorithm preparation application which provides free tutorials for those learners who wants to succeed in the field of Web development and programming. It provides various levels of test in which they can check their learning skills. Coding Dojo helps in making an occupation in programming or boost their fundamental coding ability.
7. Mozilla Developer Network– this is the most well-known website for web development courses for beginners. It supports Mozilla in encouraging ingenuousness and improvement in the field of internet. It further helps the Web developers, designers, application developers, and extension and theme writers to operate finest documents. The tutorials and developer tools are also present in this website. It also allows to edit and rewrite the content.
8. MIT OpenCourseware– Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) runs this program for allowing its course materials of graduate and undergraduate levels online which can be read by all. MIT has numerous of courses associated with programming, development, mathematics, and computer engineering courses.
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9. A List Apart– it is an online professional magazine site which is easily accessible. It contains all the advanced courses in design, development and web content etc. It is also for professionals use as it includes coding and procedure to web design.
10. Coursera– it is also a free learning site and is presently accessible in five languages they are English, Spanish, French, Italian and Chinese. The courses are educated by the lecturer of 62 universities. Some courses available in this website are programming, development, and computer science.
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