Hello everyone today I am going to share a very important. Yet unknown issue with you, In this fast growing world of internet, Technology we all have access to the internet but the thing is are we secured? Let’s ask ourselves. Do we know who else is accessing our internet and do we know that there are few networks we connect our devices to which can steal our information? No, we are not hackers, So we do not know about all these things.
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But in order to be secured when using an internet network you need to know few things which will keep you safe from getting hacked and also from getting your data corrupted or stolen. Now to know this you don’t need to do coding or programming or anything geeky. I will share a story with you in which there is a perfect example of how you’re data is getting stolen and how people are using your network by breaching security.
To help us out we have white hat hackers. Who basically are experts in breaching security and performing penetrating tests to know the security level of the system from a website, I found a video which kind of explains about how your phone can be hacked and I will leave tte link of the video below. Let me give a quick explanation to give you the idea of how this works.
If you’re using a wifi network which is open and if anyone decides to use your network then they can have access to the network and also can hijack your device, Yes it is possible. And if you’re using the internet by keeping some password in your phone even then the other user can get into your network just by knowing your networks name. And then he will have access to all the traffic of your network. Also, he can steal your data. Previously drones were used for stealing the data by applying the same method.
Hope you’ve leanred something about internet nework security share this article, Bookmark our website for more.
Source: Motherboard